Geeks Shall Inherit the Earth (INFOGRAPHIC)

For you pocket protecting, tapped glasses and bow tie wearing fun loving video game nerds out there here is some advice on how to propose to your lady and for those who do not care for the nerdy variety here are some things to consider. For that matter, all men out there here is a guide to the proposal from Neomam Infographic Studios breaking down the essentials of your big day before you reach the big day. Even if you are married or not quite there, this infographic will make your day.

Obama Cannot Imagine A State’s Gay Marriage Ban Being Constitutional

Obama Cannot Imagine A State’s Gay Marriage Ban Being Constitutional.

Does anyone remember this line in the Declaration of Independence not the Constitution that states the unalienable rights to “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness”? Or how about this famous line from the Bill of Rights which is the first ten amendments of the Constitution stating “the separation between church and state”? Why do I bring this up? Simple. The issue keeps coming up from time to time and never goes away much like the second amendment and its misuse by the gun lobby yet this is another conversation entirely. During an interview with ABC News’ George Stephanopoulos on Wednesday, Obama was asked whether gay marriage was a right under the Constitution. According to Huff Post, he responded by saying, “Well, I’ve gotta tell you that — in terms of practical politics, what I’ve seen is a healthy debate taking place state by state, and not every state has the exact same attitudes and cultural mores. And I — you know, my thinking was that this is traditionally a state issue and — that it will work itself out. On the other hand — what I also believe is that the core principle that people don’t get discriminated against — that’s one of our core values. And it’s in our Constitution.” After his response Obama was then asked if a state’s gay marriage ban was constitutional, he responded by saying, “Well, I can’t, personally. I cannot. That’s part of the reason I said, ultimately, I think that, same-sex couples should be able to marry. That’s my personal position. And, frankly, that’s the position that’s reflected — in the briefs that we filed — in the Supreme Court.” Obama’s  position has changed since last May when he stressed that the issue was for the state’s to decide even though he is in support of it. The Supreme Court will be taking up both the Prop 8 marriage ban from California and the Defense of Marriage Act in back to back cases in March. The Obama administration submitted a legal brief stating that it believes the California ban is unconstitutional and the Justice Department has stopped defending the constitutionality of DOMA.  The fight for gay rights will not be over until gay marriage was recognized in all states according to Obama in his second inaugural address: “Our journey is not complete until our gay brothers and sisters are treated like anyone else under the law… for if we are truly created equal, then surely the love we commit to one another must be equal as well.”

Robert Wagner Is Not A Suspect In Natalie Wood’s Death, But He’s Refusing To Talk To Detectives

Robert Wagner Is Not A Suspect In Natalie Wood’s Death, But He’s Refusing To Talk To Detectives.

This story gets stranger and stranger. Veteran actor, Robert Wagner 82, has declined numerous times to cooperate with the renewed investigation into the 1981 death of his wife, Natalie Wood. Wagner’s attorney responded by saying that her client has complied with the investigation form the beginning and has no further information to offer. Lt. Corina of the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Office says that Wagner has changed his story over the years. Her death is shrouded in mystery and at the time investigator could only come to the conclusion that her death was an accidental drowning. The actress had been boating with her then husband Wagner and actor Christopher Walken prior to her death. When her body was found floating in the water mile away from the boat, her body was covered in bruises. The case reopened in 2011 after the boat’s captain, Dennis Davern, came forward to say that Wagner and his wife were fighting prior to her death which Wagner admitted to. Right now, the police have no suspects and Wagner is not considered one at this time. The death has now been ruled “undetermined.” Wagner is still the only person on the boat from that night who has not spoke to detectives about that night in this new inquiry.

‘Catfish: The TV Show’: Woman’s Surprising Admission After Getting Caught Lying (VIDEO)

‘Catfish: The TV Show’: Woman’s Surprising Admission After Getting Caught Lying (VIDEO).

This is a sad situation all around on the TV show this guy had been dating the girl above online and had never seen her in person. The best part I think is she was able to not only fool her best friend but the hosts of show into believing she was really the girl she claimed to be. The problem I find in all this is that the guy was hurt to find out that the girl lied and the friend the girl who liked him messed up her chances of being with him. Aaaaahhhhh relationships you can’t live with them and you can’t kill them. Let this be a lesson to everyone to make sure the person you are in love with is real and actually is in love with you not the idea of you.