Geeks Shall Inherit the Earth (INFOGRAPHIC)

For you pocket protecting, tapped glasses and bow tie wearing fun loving video game nerds out there here is some advice on how to propose to your lady and for those who do not care for the nerdy variety here are some things to consider. For that matter, all men out there here is a guide to the proposal from Neomam Infographic Studios breaking down the essentials of your big day before you reach the big day. Even if you are married or not quite there, this infographic will make your day.

Nintendo 3DS Porn: 5-Year-Old Receives Refurbished Toy With Racy Photos For Christmas (VIDEO)

Nintendo 3DS Porn: 5-Year-Old Receives Refurbished Toy With Racy Photos For Christmas (VIDEO).

Okay parents and relatives who are buying gifts anytime of year and they are refurbished, make sure the device doesn’t have anything from the previous owner like racy photos. This poor dad and son got the shock of their lives when they turned on the boy’s gift to find racy photos from the previous owner. That boy will be traumatized for a while and the dad has a lot of explaining. Oh GameStop’s corporate branch said about the incident that sometimes things slip through the cracks. That is a mighty big crack.