Taft Union High School Teacher, Campus Supervisor ‘Talked Down’ Shooter, Deputy Says

Taft Union High School Teacher, Campus Supervisor ‘Talked Down’ Shooter, Deputy Says.

Another shooting and more violence, when will people address the whole issue not just part of it which is gun laws. The NRA can stand on their soap box and the government can sit on their moral high horse, but who does that help? We are avoiding instead of addressing the larger problem here which is mental stability not gun laws. You can make as many gun laws as you want but the fact remains all of these shooting involve minors who got their guns from someone else. In all of these cases, it has been determined that the mental stability and maturity of the child was so underwhelming that it doesn’t take much to push a person over the edge. In all cases and even this one I am sure, it was a cry for help or a final solution because the child didn’t get the help they desired. Wake up America we are not the same country we use to be and children are expose to far more dangers than yester year, so let’s stand up and confront the issues affecting our youth today and crippling a country.

Tom Horne, Arizona Attorney General, Advances School Safety Proposal: Arm Principals

Tom Horne, Arizona Attorney General, Advances School Safety Proposal: Arm Principals.

Arming more people to protect others in a school will not help and certainly doesn’t address the underlying problems here. I know his heart is in the right place but this will add to the problems that are already mounting. Our government needs to stop focusing on just the gun violence and look at the reasons behind the violence. Address those and I promise you we will be much further along than arming more people.

Adam Lanza’s Motive: Did Fear Of Being Committed Lead To Sandy Hook Elementary Shooting?

Adam Lanza’s Motive: Did Fear Of Being Committed Lead To Sandy Hook Elementary Shooting?.

What is scary about this story is the mother knew her son was mentally ill and waited until he was a legal adult to try and commit him. She made it harder on herself because it would take longer than if he was a minor. Apparently the decision to commit Adam Lanza made him angry therefore the police are speculating that this is his motive. Plus his mother volunteered at the school to work with the kindergarteners so there is his connection to the school according to Huffington Post. The son had always felt the mother cared more for the kids than for him. It is a tragedy I feel on both sides there are no winners in this situation.

Newtown Victims’ Lawsuits Curbed By NRA-Backed Law

Newtown Victims’ Lawsuits Curbed By NRA-Backed Law.

Upsetting that the families are being blocked by the NRA law that states families of gun violence cannot sue the weapon manufacture whose guns were used in the crime. I know the families think this will bring closure but like I said there is a larger issue here and their beef should be with the government and their lackadaisical approach to gun laws and health issues.


Sandy Hook Parent Sends Message To NRA: ‘Return This Country Their Kids’

Sandy Hook Parent Sends Message To NRA: ‘Return This Country Their Kids’.

Again I understand what these parents are going through with the recent shooting but a whole nation has been broken by all the events in the last five years. 19 mass shootings is not normal at all and it doesn’t take a genius to figure out something is wrong. Gun control is only part of a larger national debate folks. Many if not all of these shooters have mental illness disorders that impair their ability to fully understand right and wrong. We must understand the psychology behind these horrific events to plan better besides focusing on one issue.

NRA Responds To Sandy Hook Massacre

NRA Responds To Sandy Hook Massacre.

Another tragedy that the NRA wants to comment on. It really isn’t about one group or another it’s about several groups working together to fix this long standing problem. It doesn’t help when personal interest and back alley dealings are more important than preventing these or limiting these incidents from happening.

Connecticut school shooting: Sports world shaken by tragedy at Sandy Hook – Sporting News

Connecticut school shooting: Sports world shaken by tragedy at Sandy Hook – Sporting News.

Moments of silence and tribute are occurring all over the country. These are the tributes these kids deserve that they are not forgotten. It is in our darkest moments that gain the most clarity in that respect these children and adults who died did more than they will never know.


Adam Lanza, Newtown School Shooter, Was ‘Nerd,’ Honors Student

Adam Lanza, Newtown School Shooter, Was ‘Nerd,’ Honors Student.

There were many tragedies in this situation. The failures of our government to provide needed services and stricter gun laws. The fact that we are not more proactive in protecting everyone from this kind of violence. It is a known fact that we have very lenient gun laws compared to other countries. We protect the criminal more than the victims it is a sad reality of today’s world. I hope this was a wake up call to us all after so many other shootings. I thoroughly sicked by politicians who cannot do there job and only making it worse for everyone but what especially sickens me is the fact that they gave these insincere speeches about the shooting and made it all about them. I do applaud Obama for his speech but now do something about it.

Connecticut Elementary School Shooting: How To Help

Connecticut Elementary School Shooting: How To Help.

The system failed so it is up to us to pick up the pieces of this tragedy and never forget these angels that died today. I was angered by the fact anyone would do this but this is again another example of the failure of our legal system and mental health facilities to take the correct preventive measure to keep people from committing this horrible act. Let’s focus on how we as a people can help and pick of the broken piece since our government cannot.