“Drunk-O-Vision LEGACY” by Streeter Seidell – CollegeHumor Article


“Drunk-O-Vision LEGACY” by Streeter Seidell – CollegeHumor Article.

Some late night surfing and I found this website you have to check it out. I am sure everyone or most people have experienced this kind of beer goggle fun. Which one of these are you?

AOL.com Video – Kids’ Absurd Letters to Santa on ‘Steve Harvey’

AOL.com Video – Kids’ Absurd Letters to Santa on ‘Steve Harvey’.

MEERRYY CHRISTMASSS!! Hey everyone hope your holiday is funtastic. In the spirit of the holiday and to bring you some cheer I thought I would share this video. On the Steve Harvey show, kids sent letters to Santa with interesting request. I Hope this makes you smile.

Not Before My Coffee!

I know how this guy feels.



There are very few things in this world that truly annoy me.  O.k., there are plenty, however most of them seem to hit midday when I am too busy to notice them.  However, it’s those few, those brave, foolish few, that hit before I’ve had my coffee that truly cheese me off.

The Short List

1. Being Misquoted – This one simple thing can push my buttons faster than any other.  Being the well-known mediator for friends and family, there is NOTHING I despise more than being misquoted.  Whether it is a couple who’ve asked for advice and fling the wrong things at each other after the fact, or someone stating I’ve made a comment that I simply have not made; this type of situation is the worst possible occurrence before I’ve had my coffee.  It brings forth my inner RAWR! like no other action can do.

2. Perky Morning…

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Snowman Jokes

S. T. Fleming

All taken from  www.kidactivities.net/post/Christmas-Jokes-for-Kids.aspx  Enjoy!

Q. What kind of cake does Frosty like?
A. The kind with lots of frost-ing!

Q. Where does a snowman keep his money?
A. In a snow bank.

Q. What do you call a snowman in the summer?
A.  A puddle!

Q. What do snowmen eat for breakfast?
A. Frosted Flakes.

Q. What do you get if you cross a snowman and a shark?
A.  Frost bite!

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Polar Bear Hangout.

This gallery contains 1 photo.

My favorite piece I have done. It’s called Polar Slip and Slide. It’s part of my 3D postcard painting collection. Come read about it here